

So often it all about the details within a job, the little things that make the work really special. With that in mind here’s some forged elements from a balcony commission that’s underway. I like these….the rivet, the dished form, the negative space...
Saplings garden arch gets fitted

Saplings garden arch gets fitted

We spent a cold morning on the South Downs fitting this wrought iron garden arch in a lovely remote garden. Conceived as 2 bent saplings the arch supports a nest light, the wires for which are cleverly concealed in the pier and arch. I am looking forward to seeing it...

Wee willy candlesticks

I have just completed the first batch of this new design, forged out of one hefty piece of 120x12mm plate these candlesticks are weighty, honest and simple. I have paired down the design to the basics, a sconce, handle and a spike for the candle, what more do you...